choose the right option translate to spanish
My sister is the smartest person in the class (d)
Spanish: Mi hermana es la persona mas inteligente en la clase
An elephant is bigger than a seal (a)
Spanish: Un elefante es mas grande que una foca
We bought the most expensive in the city (d)
Spanish: Compramos la casa mas cara de la ciudad
Sara was born in 1959, Lynn was born in 1999, Lynn is younger than Sara (d)
Spanish: Sara nacio en 1959, Lynn nacio en 1999, Lynn es mas joven que Sara
We have bad coughs. My cough is the worst (C)
Spanish: Tenemos toses fuertes. Mi tos es la peor
Math is the most difficult subject in school (d)
Spanish: Matematicas es la materia mas dificil de la escuela
She is going to be the happiest bride (c)
Spanish: Ella sera la mas novia mas feliz
An adult is more intelligent than a child (b)
Spanish: Un adulto es mas inteligente que un niño
Legs are longer than arms (a)
Spanish: Las piernas son mas largas que los brazos
James is the tallest boy on the team (d)
Spanish: James el chico mas alto del equipo
My brother is very smart. He has the best marks in the school (c)
Spanish: Mi hermano es muy listo. El tiene las mejores calificaciones en la escuela
Bob and Dave ran a race, Bob won the race, Dave was slower than Bob (b)
Spanish: Bob y Dave corrieron una carrera, Bob gano la carrera, Dave fue mas lento que Bob
Espero haberte ayudado! :D