• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: marleytuay18
  • hace 5 años

Task 4. Complete las siguientes oraciones con el tiempo "present perfect".
A) I. (travel) yo europe a lot
b. She. (have) that car for five years
с. Не. (know) him for a long time
d. My father. (love) his grandchildren allá his life
e. They. (want) to work witch children since 2002
f. We. (go) to new York
G)You (finish) the exam yet
h. She. (meet) her
i). I. (study) latin for 3 years
j. They. (take) the the taxi​

reyyyxx: travel


Respuesta dada por: reyyyxx


1 travel

2 has have

3 knows

4 loves

5 wanted

6 are going

7 finish

8 is meeting

9 is studying

10 are taking


marleytuay18: gracias por responderme
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