Complete the text with the correct active or passive form of the verbs in brackets.
John F Kennedy --- (elect) to Congress in 1946, exactly one hundred years after Abraham Lincoln. He --- (become) President of the United States in 1960, exactly one hundred years after Lincoln. President Lincoln--- (shoot) by John Wilkes-Booth. Lee Harvey Oswald, also a man with three names, ----(murder) President Kennedy. The two Presidents---(shoot) in the head and both Lincoln and Kennedy--- (succeed) by a man named Johnson. Lincoln’s secretary -- (call) Kennedy and Kennedy’s secretary’s name -- (be) Lincoln.
was elected
was shooted
were shooted
no se si estarán bien
La active and passive voice de las oraciones depende de los verbos y sus distintas conjugaciones. Por ejemplo, las passive se forman con el verbo to be y el siguiente verbo en pasado participio.
¿Cómo usar la active and passive voice?
La active and passive voice se puede usar de forma simultánea en un texto, aunque no en una misma oración. Por ejemplo:
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946, exactly one hundred years after Abraham Lincoln. He became President of the United States in 1960, exactly one hundred years after Lincoln. President Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes-Booth. Lee Harvey Oswald, also a man with three names, murdered of President Kennedy. The two Presidents were shot in the head and both Lincoln and Kennedy were succeeded by a man named Johnson. Lincoln’s secretary was named Kennedy and Kennedy’s secretary was named Lincoln.
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