• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: drvillamizar
  • hace 5 años

Aplicación del presente simple en oraciones del cero condicional


Respuesta dada por: drsansonisrael


  1. I drive to San Francisco once a week.
  2. She seems to be very busy.
  3. This bag belongs to Jane.
  4. They sell books there.
  5. The service opens at ten o’clock
  6. She smokes a lot.
  7. They play chess every Saturday.
  8. The class begins at nine o’clock.
  9. She needs to speak English in order to get a better job.
  10. The boy cries because his toy is broken.
  11. The employee fixes the mistake.


espero haberte ayudado

me pones como la mejor? me ayuda mucho de evrad

Respuesta dada por: helenvaliente66


If I go there I will get bored.

I will be pissed off, If you let me down

I won't have enough money, If I don't save it.


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