necesitó 20 oraciones en presente simple forma afirmativa negativa e interrogativa
1- I talk with her.
2- She eats pizza.
3- He goes to the park.
4- They learn the lesson
5- We do the homework.
6- We eat in a restaurant.
7- She talks about the movie.
8- She works in a hospital
9- He eats vegetables.
10- They need a notebook.
11- We live in Colombia.
12- You write the book.
13- He needs a pencil.
14- She watchs the t.v
15- I brush my hair.
16- They wash the clothes.
17- We read a famous book.
18- She goes to the house.
19- I listen music.
20- The festival start tomorrow.
Negativa: (Don't o Doesn't)
1- I don't talk with her.
2- She doesn't eat pizza.
3- He doesn't go to the park.
4- The don't learn the lesson
Asi le vas haciendo, agregando Don't o Doesn't a la frase.
(Sujeto + verbo auxiliar (to do) + mas auxiliar negativo (not)+ verbo+ complemento.
I go to the gym in the mornings es una oración afirmativa en ingles utilizando el presente simple.
¿Qué es el presente simple?
El presente simple en ingles es utilizado para describir las acciones que forman parte de la rutina diaria o hablar sobre acciones que ocurren en el momento que se habla.
Algunas oraciones son:
- How are you?
- I am 27 years old.
- I don't go to the cinema.
- I take a bath at 7 AM.
- My brother cooks breakfast.
- Are you talk to your mom?
- I don't have breakfast.
- Do you go to the movies?
- My mom doesn't cook dinner.
Conoce más sobre presente simple aquí: