Que puedes hacer desde tu casa pensando a ayudar el cuidado del medio ambiente, que acciones realizarias


Respuesta dada por: fernandarueda122123


BUSCAR EL SUSTANTIVO ABJETIVO VERBO Y ADVERBIO PLISSSSSS The apple is 36 as the "King" of all fruits because it is

believed to have a lot of benefits. An apple is beautiful, tasty

and has a fine fragrance. It can be grown almost 37 An

apple is juicy and has various tastes 38 Sour to sweet.

One can eat an apple raw, cooked, or baked, and it 39

be used in various dishes, such as apple compote, apple

pie, etc. Actually, an apple is good for one's digestion, and

40 has important vitamins and minerals. Apples also help

to clean one's teeth after a meal. No other fruit has so many

good 41

be in the countries of Southwest Asia, including the land of

Israel. From there, it spread to Europe 42 the rest of the

The original home of the apple is considered to


The 43 Greeks also planted and cultivated apple trees. The

Romans helped greatly in 44 the apple trees to European

lands. When they conquered a country, they always took

apple seeds 45 and planted them


Respuesta dada por: michellesn85


Separa la basura

Usa productos que puedan reutilizarse.

Apaga las luces.

Consume frutas y verduras ecológicas

Evita dejar los aparatos enchufados.

Cierra los grifos correctamente.

Lleva tus propias bolsas al supermercado.

Aprovecha la luz natural.

Cambia las bombillas de tu casa.

Recicla todo lo que puedas.

Planta árboles

Slterita: Gracias
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