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Columbus Day poem- in 1492. (olumbus sailed
the ocean Blue
Columbus day is coming up in the united states on
octover 12th it celebrates when christopher columbus
arrived in the americas on octover 12th, 1942 here is the
most popular columbus day poem in the us.
It's used to help teach the history of colombus.
In fourteen hundred ninety-two columbus called the ocean
blue, He had three ships and left from spain, he sailed
through Sunshine, wind and can be sailed by night, he sailed
by day, a compass holsohelped him know how to find the
way to go. Ninety sailors were on board, some men worked
while others snored, then the worked the ocean deep.
Day ofter day they lokeed for and they dromed of trees
and rocks and sand, Oc tover 12 th dream come true, you never
saw a happier crew! "Indians! Indians!" Columbus cried,
his heart was filled with joyful pride. But india" the land was
not, is whas the bahams, and it was hot. The arakawa
natives were very nice, they gave the sailors Food and spice.
Columbus Salled on to find some gold to bring back home
as he'd been told, He made the trip again and again.
trading gold to bring to spain, the first american?
not quite, but columbus was brave, and he was
Columbus Day poem- in 1492. (olumbus sailed
the ocean Blue
Columbus day is coming up in the united states on
octover 12th it celebrates when christopher columbus
arrived in the americas on octover 12th, 1942 here is the
most popular columbus day poem in the us.
It's used to help teach the history of colombus.
In fourteen hundred ninety-two columbus called the ocean
blue, He had three ships and left from spain, he sailed
through Sunshine, wind and can be sailed by night, he sailed
by day, a compass holsohelped him know how to find the
way to go. Ninety sailors were on board, some men worked
while others snored, then the worked the ocean deep.
Day ofter day they lokeed for and they dromed of trees
and rocks and sand, Oc tover 12 th dream come true, you never
saw a happier crew! "Indians! Indians!" Columbus cried,
his heart was filled with joyful pride. But india" the land was
not, is whas the bahams, and it was hot. The arakawa
natives were very nice, they gave the sailors Food and spice.
Columbus Salled on to find some gold to bring back home
as he'd been told, He made the trip again and again.
trading gold to bring to spain, the first american?
not quite, but columbus was brave, and he was