6 conversaciones diferentes de dos o tres oraciones cada una usando diferentes nombrs
pronombres donde se pregunte:
Que edad tienes?
Cuál es tu nombre
Cuándo es tu cumpleaños
Cuál es tu dirección?
Respuesta dada por:
hi Lola , today is a Good day , you want to.go to the cinema ? the movie is just for children for 14 years how old are you ?
LOLA : i have 12 tears old i think i cant see the movie
2. HI my name is sara The teacher asked me to go with me to the rectory, sorry, what is your name?
- my name is maria
- sure , ok we have to go to the rectory come on !
3. CARLOS : Hi friend whats up ?
MARIO: Nothing Do you want to play some games
CARLOS: SURE. ask me some questions for you
MARIO: of course , when its your birthady
carlos : is easy that question is for me my birthady is june 12th
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