Escríbe la forma del pasado simple o continuo, según corresponda.
1 When the earthquake (begin) they (sleep)
2 He (buy)
that picture because the woman in it (smile)
3 Last night, I (wake)
up at 4 o'clock and unfortunately
I (can)
fall sleep again.
4 When my sister (not use) the camera, I (break)
5 While we (watch) the football match, he (go) — to bed.
6 My boyfriend (jog)
when he (meet)
my mother.
7 While she (wait)
for him, she (switch)
on the radio.
a nightmare when the
8 My daughter (have)
alarm (go)
9 The sun (not shine)
when I (get)
up this morning
that photo when they (tidy)
10 My parents (find)
Respuesta: 1- When the earthquake began, they were sleeping.
2- He bought that picture because the woman in it was smiling
3- Last night, I woke up at 4 o'clock and I could not (couldn't) fall sleep again
4- When my sister was not (wasn't) using the camera, I broke it
5- While we were watching the football match, he went to bed.
6- My boyfriend was jogging when he met my mother.
7- While she was waiting for him, she switched on the radio.
8- My daughter was having a nightmare when the alarm went off.
9- The sun was not (wasn't) shining when I got up this morning
10- My parents found that photo when they were tidying the garage.
Se completan las siguientes oraciones con los verbos en pasado simple o continuo:
- When the earthquake began, they were sleeping.
- He bought that picture because the woman in it was smiling.
- Last night, I woke up at 4 o'clock and unfortunately I couldn't fall sleep again.
- When my sister wasn't using the camera, I broke it.
- While we were watching the football match, he went to bed.
- My boyfriend was jogging when he met my mother.
- While she was waiting for him, she switched on the radio.
- My daughter was having a nightmare when the alarm went off.
- The sun wasn't shining when I got up this morning
- My parents found that photo when they were tidying the garage.
¿Para qué se usa el pasado continuo?
Se utiliza para hablar de una acción que ocurrió en el pasado y continúo durante cierto periodo de tiempo. Se debe usar el verbo “to be” para construir este tiempo verbal. Las oraciones afirmativas tienen la siguiente estructura dependiendo del sujeto de la oración:
- Sujeto (I, he, she, it) + was + verbo en ing + complemento.
- Sujeto (you, we, they) + were + verbo en ing + complemento.
Aprende más sobre el pasado continuo (past continuous) aquí: