• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: corazongabi
  • hace 9 años

hello I am andrew , L am 20 years old , I am from cartagena , my parents are diane and felipe , they are teachers . My brother carlos is 15 years old and he is a student , my brother ralph is 35 years old and is firefinghter , mu sister orly is 40 years old and is a lawyer , and my sister paola is 30 years old and is a police and I am an engineer . porfis me pueden allar las oraciones con berbo to_be en forma negativa e interrogativa


Respuesta dada por: anara456
Sujeto+verbo to be+complemento

Sujeto+verbo to be+not+complemento

verbo to be+sujeto+complemento+?

A continuación se presentan algunos ejemplos de conjugacion del  verbo to be en oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas:

AfirmativasNegativas InterrogativasI am in the schoolI am not in the schoolAm I in the school?You are a studentYou are not a studentam I in the school?He is a DoctorHe is not a doctorIs he a a doctor?She is a teacherShe is not a teacherIs she a teacher?It is a penIt is not a penIs it a pen?They are in New YorkThey are not in New YorkAre they in New York?We are studentsWe are not studentsAre we students?


Crear oraciones negativas e interrogativas con las que a continuacion se dan:

Oracion afirmativaNegativaInterrogativaHenry is a big boyHenry is not a big boyIs Henry a big boy?Mary is a girlMary is not girlIs Mary a girl?Fred is a studentFred is not a studentIs Fred a student?Mr. Jones is in the classroomMr. Jones is not in the classroomIs Mr. Jones in the classroom?This is a WindowsThis is not a windowsIs this a Windows?This is a boxThis is not a boxIs this a box?This box is bigThis box is not bigIs this box big?This boy is MikeThis boy is not MikeIs this boy Mike?This is book on my deskThis book is not on my deskIs this book on my desk?There is a store in the cornerThere is not a store in the cornerIs there a store in the corner?

corazongabi: osea pero con el conternido de lo que yo escribi en ingles del vervo to be
corazongabi: osea las que ttevan berbo to be en la oracion que yo escribi y las que salgan pasarlas a negativo o afrimativo
anara456: eso e
anara456: *eso es *
corazongabi: osea pero con las oraciones del verso
anara456: por eso
corazongabi: ok
anara456: ok ┤
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