• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: latifaamtour
  • hace 5 años

Write a suitable question for each answer below. Pay
attention to the words in bold.
1 Those men were selling old furniture.
2 No, I wasn't writing you a note when you came in.
3 Vicky was laughing because she was reading a funny
4 We won the basketball game last night.
5 They went to the music festival at the weekend.
6 I met Jack last year.

crispetaramirez: 1. what they were selling?
crispetaramirez: 2. were you writing me a note when I came in? 3. Why was Vicky laughing? 4. when did you win the basketball game? 5. When did they go to the music festival? 6.when did you meet Jack?
latifaamtour: Thank uu ❤️


Respuesta dada por: margaritahuanaco88


Write a suitable question for each answer below. Pay

attention to the words in bold.

1 Those men were selling old furniture.

2 No, I wasn't writing you a note when you came in.

3 Vicky was laughing because she was reading a funny



4 We won the basketball game last night.

5 They went to the music festival at the weekend.

6 I met Jack last year.

español :

Escriba una pregunta adecuada para cada respuesta a continuación. Pagar

atención a las palabras en negrita.

1 Esos hombres vendían muebles viejos.

2 No, no te estaba escribiendo una nota cuando entraste.

3 Vicky se estaba riendo

4 Anoche ganamos el juego de baloncesto.

5 Fueron al festival de música el fin de semana.

6 conocí a Jack el año pasado


Espero haberte ayudado si es así dame corona y no te olvides de seguirme.

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