• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: esmeralda008hernande
  • hace 6 años

2.- Possessive adjectives
• Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives:
1°whe is (I) book?
2°here is(we) teacher.
3°she goes to eschool with (she) brother
4°(they) father Works in a car factory.
5°(you) laptop is very expenseve
6°(he) favotite hobby is tennis.
7°(I) husband and I want to o to parís
8° we want t osee (it) historical monuments
9°leila likes (she) dog!
10°(It) name is Bobby.


Respuesta dada por: Angie22r


1°where is my book?

2°here is our teacher.

3°she goes to school with her brother

4° Their father Works in a car factory.

5° Your laptop is very expenseve

6° His favotite hobby is tennis.

7° My husband and I want to o to parís

8° we want to see its historical monuments

9°leila likes her dog!

10° Its name is Bobby.

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