• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: adrianchu85
  • hace 6 años

URGENTE:escribe un texto sobre mariano rajoy de 100 palabras en ingles


Respuesta dada por: corchoancho

Mariano Rajoy was the President of Spain from 2011 to 2018. He was also the President of his right-wing political party, the Popular Party. He's very known for saying phrases that didn't make any sense on television and interviews. One of his most known ones is the one saying "Es el vecino el que elige al alcalde, y es el alcalde el que quiere que sean los vecinos, el alcalde", which translates to "It's the neighbour who chooses the mayor, and it's the mayor who wants the neighbours, the mayor". At the end, in 2018, he was given a vote of no confidence and kicked from the government.

corchoancho: ¿Algo más que necesites?
adrianchu85: nop gracias
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