• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: elaxh666
  • hace 5 años


Yimmy works at a bank in London. He is the manager. He starts work every day at 8:00 am.
He finishes work every day at 6:00 pm. He lives very close to the bank. He walks to work
every day. His brother and sister also work at the bank. But, they do not live close to the
bank. They drive cars to work. They start work at 9:00 am. In the bank, Yimmy is the boss.
He helps all the workers and tells them what to do. He likes his job. He is also very good at
his job. Many customers like Yimmy, and they say hello to him when they come to the
bank. Yimmy likes to talk to the customers and make them feel happy. Yimmy really likes
his job. Every weekend Yimmy goes to the
park with his familiy. His wife, Anny and his
two children. They love to play soccer
together and then they go to eat an ice
cream. The children like to go to the mall
playground. There they play with the
machines and board games that are in the place. Daniel likes to play in
the car´s machines with his dad. Linda likes to play in the little golf with
her mom. They spend all the afternoon in the mall playground.

IV. Responde las siguientes preguntas de acuerdo al texto. (20 puntos)
1. Where does Yimmy work?______________________________________________________________________

2. What time does Yimmy start work?______________________________________________________________

3. How does Yimmy get work?____________________________________________________________________

4. Where do his brother and sister work? ___________________________________________________________

5. Does his brother and sister live near the bank?_____________________________________________________

6. How do his brother and sister get work?__________________________________________________________

7. Does Yimmy like his job?______________________________________________________________________

8. What does Yimmy do every weekend?___________________________________________________________

9. What do they love to do together?______________________________________________________________

10. How much time do they spend in the mall playground?_______________________________________________


Respuesta dada por: sabrinauchia
1- Yimmy works at a bank in london
2- He starts to work at 8 o’clock
3- He gets to work walking because he lives nearby
4- They work at the same bank were Yimmy works
5- no, thy live far away from the bank
6- they get to work on car
7- Yes, Yimmy really likes his job
8- Every weekend he goes to the park with his family
9- They love to play soccer together
10- They spend the hole afternoon in the mall playground

Espero que te sea útil!!
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