1._ The man has a car. The car is in the garage
2._ My friends had a party. The party was fun.
3._ The women have kids. The kids are playing
4._ India has a population. The population is very large
5 ._ The children have a mother. The mother is over there.
6._ My sisters have friends. The friends are interesting.
7 ._ The teachers had a meeting. The meeting was last week.
el hombre tiene un carro. el carro esta en el garaje
mis amigos tienen una fiesta, la fiesta es divertida
la mujer tiene niños/hijos . los niños/hijos están jugando
India tiene una población. la población es muy grande
los niños tienen una madre. la madre esta justo ahí
mis hermanas tienen amigos. los amigos son interesantes
las maestras tienen una reunión. la reunión será la última semana
En el siguiente ejercicio, se unen las oraciones usando la forma posesiva (possessive forms):
1. The man has a car. The car is in the garage.
The man's car is in the garage.
2. My friends had a party. The party was fun.
My friend's party was fun.
3. The women have kids. The kids are playing.
The women's kids are playing.
4. India has a population. The population is very large.
India's population is very large.
5. The children have a mother. The mother is over there.
The children's mother is over there.
6. My sisters have friends. The friends are interesting.
My sister's friends are interesting.
7. The teachers had a meeting. The meeting was last week.
The teacher's meeting was last week.
¿Para qué se usa el possessive apostrophe?
Se usa para indicar que un objeto pertenece a alguien. Se representa por un apóstrofe ('), seguido de la letra “s ” y significa “de”. Cuando un nombre finaliza en s, sólo se pone el apóstrofe ( ' ) al final de la palabra, sin la s final.
Para ver más oraciones con el possessive apostrophe consulta aquí: https://brainly.lat/tarea/25351712