holaaa me ayudan con esto es urgente!!!!!!!!!
What will happen in the future with the vaccine to stop pandemic?
Predicción. (predicciones)
Promises. (promesas)
Instant decisions (deciciones instantaneas)
IF Condiditional. . Probability. (probalilidad- posibildad)
1) Prediccion. : will +infinitive- will + 1st column of the verbs.
I will be a doctor in the future. (subject + verb + complement)
Affirmative prediccions:
Scientifics will find the vaccine to cure Covid 19.(affirmative sentence).
Negative prediccions:
Many people won't travel by bus because of the Pandemic.
Questions: Will people go back to their habitual activities next year?
Short answers: Yes, they will.
No, they won't.
➢ Las predicciones se pueden referir para adelantar algo que va a pasar en el futuro o también como una decisión que se toma en el momento de hablar o algo que prometemos a alguien.
➢ Example: Scientifics will find the vaccine against Covid 19. next year.(predic)
➢ Instant decision: I don't feeling very well. I'll call to the doctor.
➢ Promise: If I come back home late tonight, I'll send you a message.
➢ First conditional: If scientifics discover the vaccine against Covid 19, all people will go back to their habitual routines.
Respuesta dada por:
es ingles no se losiento :(
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