• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: zamararincon
  • hace 6 años

12. Look through the article. Nine sentence fragments have been removed. Read the article and choose from the sentence parts (A-I) the one which fits each gap (1-9).

THE COVID-19 Farewell BC (before coronavirus). Welcome AD (after domestication) 1________, but people adapted. January and February seemed like an ancient era – the BC (before coronavirus) to the new AD (after domestication). The shift may look a lot like great workplace transformations in the 19th and 20th centuries. In the past factories were designed around one great power system. Then electrification allowed individual machines to have their own power source. But half a century went by 2________. The current, rapid shift to AD was possible for several reasons. First, broadband services are quick enough 3________. Second, advanced economies revolve around services, not manufacturing. Back in the 1970s, when Britain adopted a three-day week, there were power cuts and home life was severely affected as well. The pandemic has not turned the lights off. Not only that, the lockdown has made remote work seem both normal and acceptable. 4________ had to overcome the suspicion that they were bunking off. Now those who insist on being at the office sound self-important. Although offices will not disappear, 5________that working life will return to BC ways. For more than a century workers have stuffed themselves onto crowded trains and buses, or endured traffic jams, 6________, five days a week. For the past two months they have enjoyed the break. Another aspect of the AD era may be the disappearance of the five-day working week. Even before the pandemic 7________. In the AD era the barrier between home and working life will be even harder to sustain. 8________, with the company video call the only fixture. The downside, however, is that the rhythm of life has been disrupted and new routines are needed: as Madness, a British pop group, sang, people are “trying different ways to make a difference to the days”. Looking further out, the AD era may bring other changes. Some may decide to live in small towns where housing costs are lower, 9________. Men will have fewer excuses to skip cleaning or child care if they are not disappearing to the office. In a sense, this is a return to normal: until the 19th century most people worked at or close to their homes. But social historians may still regard 2020 as the start of a new age.

A. since they have no need to commute
B. it is hard to imagine
C. In future employees may work and take breaks when they please
D. many workers took phone calls or answered emails at the weekend
E. to get into the office and back
F. In March a lot of employees left their offices with no date for a return to the workplace in sight
G. In the past employees who stayed home
H. before factories were reconfigured to take advantage of electricity
I. to allow for document downloads and videoconferencing


Respuesta dada por: belenvelazquez2008


madre  mia que largo


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