• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Nayeli257
  • hace 6 años

15 oraciones con future perfect continuos ​

waltergamer1982: quisiera ayudarte pero no se por que pero no me deja >:'u
airadayans: no me deja
Nayeli257: :/
Nayeli257: :'v


Respuesta dada por: EllieWilliams


  1. Sabrina will have been studying magic for 5 years when she moves to Greendale next April.
  2. Next Friday, Brenda will have been working on the project for three months.
  3. He will have been working for 3 years.
  4.  She will have been studying for seven hours.
  5. They will have been living in the same neighborhood for 5 years by 2019.
  6. When you finish talking on the phone, I will have been reading for 5 hours.
  7. By 2018, you will have been studying French for a long while.
  8. She will have been collecting tomatoes for 2 hours!
  9. Beatrice will not have been making dresses for 3 days after she leaves the hospital.
  10. We will not have been saving money for 2 months when the summer ends.
  11. Marc will have been listening to his mom for 1 hour.
  12. My sisters will have been painting the walls when my dad gets home.
  13. By 4 o’clock, I will have been preparing lunch for my relatives.
  14. The firefighters will have been putting on the fire when the sunsets.
  15. She will have been making many photocopies when the other teacher comes.

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