Monoteístas: estas creen en la existencia de un único Dios, creador del universo.
a. Cristianismo: esta religión reconoce a Jesús de Nazaret como fundador y es además su figura central. Se concibe a Jesús como el hijo de Dios hecho hombre y el mesías que el Antiguo Testamento profetiza. Lo que esta religión cree es que el hijo de Dios murió por la redención del hombre del pecado original y que al tercer día resucitó de entre los muertos. Los textos más importantes de esta religión son el Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento.
b. Judaísmo: de las religiones monoteístas, esta es la más antigua. Cree en la existencia de un único Dios, creador del universo y que ha elegido al pueblo judío para rebelarle los Diez Mandamientos. Además de ser una religión, es considerada una cultura y tradición iniciada por Abraham. La obra más importante de esta religión es la Torá.
c. Islam: esta religión considera a Allah como único Dios, siendo Mahoma su mensajero y último profeta enviado por él. El texto sagrado del Islam es el Corán.
Politeístas: son aquellas que creen en la existencia de varios dioses que se organizan en un panteón o jerarquía, una de ellas es:
d. Hinduismo: esta religión proviene de la India y carece de fundador como las anteriores. Es una sumatoria de religiones, creencias, costumbres, cultos y rituales y se adoran múltiples dioses. Los hinduistas creen que detrás del universo visible, susceptible de cambios y destrucciones, hay una existencia eterna y sin cambios. El mayor logro en esta religión es el abandono de la reencarnación para retornar al universo espiritual.
Monotheistic: these believe in the existence of one God, creator of the universe. to. Christianity, this religion recognizes Jesus of Nazareth is also founder and central figure. Jesus is conceived as the Son of God made man and the Messiah that the Old Testament prophesies. What this religion believes is the son of God died for man's redemption from original sin and the third day rose from the dead. The most important texts of this religion are the Old and New Testaments. b. Judaism: the monotheistic religions, this is the oldest. Believes in the existence of one God, creator of the universe and has chosen the Jewish people to rebelarle the Ten Commandments. Besides being a religion, it is considered a culture and tradition begun by Abraham. The most important work of this religion is the Torah. c. Islam: the religion considers Allah as the one God, Muhammad being His messenger and last prophet sent by him. The sacred text of Islam is the Koran. Polytheists: those who believe in the existence of several gods that are organized in a hierarchy or pantheon, one of which is: d. Hinduism: This religion comes from India and lacks founder as previous. It is a summation of religions, beliefs, customs, cults and rituals and worship multiple gods. Hindus believe that behind the visible, subject to change and destruction universe, there is an eternal and unchanging existence. The greatest achievement in this religion is the abandonment of reincarnation to return to the spiritual universe.
A. Cristianismo: This religion recognizes Jesus of Nazareth is also founder and central figure. Jesus is conceived as the Son of God made man and the Messiah that the Old Testament profetiza.Los most important texts of this religion are the Old and New Testaments.
B. Judaísmo: of monotheistic religions, this is the oldest. Believes in the existence of one God, creator of the universe and has chosen the Jewish people to rebelarle the Ten Commandments. Besides being a religion, it is considered a culture and tradition begun by Abraham. The most important work of this religion is the Torah.
C. Islam: this religion considers Allah as the one God, Muhammad being His messenger and last prophet sent by him. The sacred text of Islam is the Koran.
Polytheists: those who believe in the existence of several gods that are organized in a hierarchy or pantheon, one of which is:
D. Hinduismo: this religion comes from India and lacks founder as previous. It is a summation of religions, beliefs, customs, cults and rituals and worship multiple gods. Hindus believe that behind the visible, subject to change and destruction universe, there is an eternal and unchanging existence. The greatest achievement in this religion is the abandonment of reincarnation to return to the spiritual universe.
Pantheistic: these religions believe that the creator and his creation have the same essence, for example:
E. Taoísmo: Taoism, which means "teaching the way" is a philosophical and religious tradition dating back two thousand years ago and was founded by Lao Tse. The aim of those who profess this religion is immortality, which can be understood in different ways. Tao is the name that is given to the natural order and aims to teach man to integrate with nature. In this religion, the three fundamental virtues are peace, tranquility and silence.
Non-theistic: these religions do not conceive the existence or gods or creators, for example:
F. Budismo: this non-theistic religion arose with the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama in India. This is known under the name of Buddha, which means enlightened. What pursued this religion is the creation of a peaceful and perfect society and at the same time, the full realization of human nature.