• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: montse0930
  • hace 5 años

1. Sophie __________________________ (eat) a lot of sweets, but now she avoids sugar.
2. When she was a teenager, she ___________________________ (have) fatty foods. 3. Before she turned 20, she ____________________________ (like) vegetables.
4. She _____________________________ (be) vegetarian, but now she eats meat.
5. Sophie ____________________________ (take) care of herself, but now she eats well.


Respuesta dada por: Presio2404

Used to eat / Ate

Used to have / Had

Used to like / Liked

Used to be / Was

Didn´t use to take / Took

No sé si está bien porque no explicaste qué tiempo ni qué debemos usar, asi que dudo mucho que sea correcto

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