1. Dogs: dogs are family pets, they are very loyal and cute animals that are considered men’s best friends.
2. Cats: they are pets, that can be serious and agile, especially to climb. They like playing with stamen.
3. Birds: birds are animal that fly. They are small; they have beautiful feathers and awesome wings.
4. Rabbits: the rabbits are small and cute animals; they use to jump to escape from hunters.
5. Horses: horses are big animals that people ride for transportation and some traditions.
6. Cows: they are very important animals for the production of food, they are big and strong.
7. Lion: they are savage animals that can be found in jungles, they are strong and furious hunters.
8. Elephants: elephants are strong and big animals from India, that are very important for the country because of their majesty.
9. Turtles: they are small animals. They are slow, but they have strong shells to hide from hunters,
10. Fishes: fishes are very small animals that live in the sea or rivers.
1. Perro Dog
2. Gato Cat
3. Ratón Mouse
4. Loro Parrot
5. Conejo Rabbit
6. Gallina Hen
7. Gallo Rooster
8. Pollo Chicken
9. Elefante Elephant
10. Jirafa Giraffe
11. Koala Koala
12. Pato Duck
13. Vaca Cow
14. Toro Bull
15. Burro Donkey
16. Rana Frog
17. Gusano Worm
18. Halcón Hawk
19. Serpiente Snake
20. Mosquito Mosquito
21. Cocodrilo Crocodile
22. Pájaro Bird
23. Aguila Eagle
24. Mariposa Butterfly
25. Libélula Firefly
26. Rinoceronte Rhino
27. Leon Lion
28. Zebra Zebra
29. Búho Owl
30. Pinguino Penguin
31. Pez Fish
32. Oso Bear
33. Venado Deer
34. Cerdo Pig
35. Caballo Horse
36. Lobo Wolf
37. Ornitorrinco Platypus
38. Langosta Lobster
39. Camarón Shrimp
40. Tiburon Shark
41. Medusa Jellyfish
42. Ballena Whale
43. Delfín Dolphin
44. Hormiga Ant
45. Abeja Bee
46. Cabra Goat
47. Cangrejo Crab
48. Pulpo Octopus
49. Ardilla Chipmunk
50. Mapache Racoon
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