• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: chambasandy78
  • hace 5 años

read the text and complete the pictures according the reading ​



Respuesta dada por: jesus2417


la 4

He hugged his dog


He walked with her mom


They traveled by bus

chambasandy78: john a wonderful day on his first day at school . When he arrived ,his best friends ran to hug him than his teacher smiles a lot at the class . He understood everything that he talked about . at recess , he played soccer whith his friends . when the bell rang he walked to his house . on the way home , he found a little puppy , and it followed him home , he asked his mother " can i keep tje puppy ?" " of course", said mother.
So john went to sleep with his new puppy rigth next to his bed
chambasandy78: este es el texto que viene con las imagenes
jesus2417: está bien si no me reportas
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