• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: felixmartinesf
  • hace 5 años

Me ayudan porfa

A) Complete the sentences. Use he present perfect formo the verb in parentheses.

1. I _________________ (Meet) many Canadians, but I ______________ (not, be) to Canada.

2. Jason doesn’t wnaat to watch a movie tonight. He______________ (Watch) movies every night for the past week.

3. Sam____________________ (travel) to Argentina four times. He loves it there!

4. My husband and I ________________ (be) married for six years.

5. It’s my friend’s birthday, but I ____________________ (not, buy) her a present yet!

6. I think Lee Will do well on the test. He ____________________ (study) a lot for it.


Respuesta dada por: thalialozano16


1. I have met/ i havent been

2. Has watched

3. Has travelled

4. Have been

5. Havent bought

6. Has studyied


La oración se forma así :

Sujeto + have /has + pasado participio + complemento.

Por ejemplo:

I have been on corea last year

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