• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: cemivfpkcpoyggblrm
  • hace 5 años

I- Choose the correct quantifiers to complete the sentences below. (10 Points)
1- He's written two books but I haven't read __________ of them.
a- Neither b- either c- none
2- _______________ parents work in a bank.
a. Both of b- his both c- both his
3- I've been working on the two reports, but ____________ of them is finished.
a. Neither b- either c- both
4- She has lots of friends, but ___________ of them will help her.
a. All b- none c- either
5- _______ boys brought a coat.
a. Neither b- both c- all
6- Neither my uncle ___ my aunt could come to the party.
a. And b- or c- nor
7- What day is it today - the 18th or the 19th?' ___________, It’s the 20th,'
a. Both of b- neither of c- either of
8- Don't worry. ___________ of these foods contain nuts.
a. None b- all c- both
9- Which one would you like? looks fine.
a. Either b- neither c- all
10- I burned my hands when I took the roast out of the oven.
a- Either b- none c- both


Respuesta dada por: thegreatmongolconque

1. neither

2. both his

3. neither

4. none

5. both - all

6. nor

7. neither of

8. none

9. either

10. both

La mayoria de los quantificativos se ajusta al contexto del que las oraciones hablan

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