• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mc310822
  • hace 5 años

Rewrite the sentences into interrogantive then answer with a short answer look at the example ​



Respuesta dada por: sugarfairy

a) Will the doctor examine you? No, he won't.

b) Will you pay for the dinner tomorrow? No, I won't.

c) Will the dog bark if someone comes here? Yes, he/she will. (no se especifica el género, aunque el perro sería 3° persona en este caso).

d) Will they deliver the food I buy? No, they won't.

e) Will you prepare for your lessons next week? Yes, I will.

f) Will George and Iris marry next year? No, they won't.

Espero que esto te sirva de ayuda

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