1.-While I feel the question “What would you change if you could go back in time” is a useless depending on why it is asked or rather often unnecessary, It provides us with useful information in answering the question I prefer which is “What would you do about the future knowing that you can’t go back to change the past?”
Eat without gaining weight
3.-I will thank God for choosing me and giving me the opportunity to put the things to right.
I will use my power in the most fruitful manner proving a blessing to the humanity.
I will want to go to a famous restaurant and sneak food out of their kitchens
Reading minds
Cross thru walls
5.-This country needs a big change. I would focus on the central issue that will carry this country into the future: education. mandatory health care coverage for children and senior citizens. By increasing security in the country, we can maintain a safer setting for us all. Second, I would make our country a more environmentally friendly one. I would accomplish this by encouraging
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