• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Zero1111333
  • hace 5 años

hola quien me puede ayudar con esta tarea de ingles doy 5 de puntuacion
complete the text using the affirmative or negative form of be going to and the verbs in brackets.
hi gemma
our class is going to go (go) on a school trip tomorrow. we 1) (visit) that new science museum- i can't wait! my mum usually makes sandwiches but she 2) (not make) any food for me this time and i 3) (not put) a water bottle in my bag because we 4) (have) lunch in the museum cafe. our teacher mr edwards 5) (take) us round the different parts of the museum and he 6) (talk) to us about the things there. it all sounds very exciting!
see youu soon


Respuesta dada por: davomax1810


busca en el traductor mejor en tu diccionario

bellaluzgl8515: si tienes wifi busca dicionario de ingles a español
Respuesta dada por: sauleduardohdz07


visit, didn't make, didnt put, had, took, talked

y pus ya

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