• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ANDRYDANYP23
  • hace 9 años


poncekmila: en ingles?? o en español??


Respuesta dada por: Dookyy
"The bullet went through the wall." "He walked through the door." "We walked through the corn field." "We made our way through the maze." "My friends and I drove through the state." "We passed through my hometown." "Summer school goes from June through August." "I heard about the program through a friend she came in through the door entró por la puerta ES. ES. AM look through the window mira por la ventana ES. ES. AM it fell through that hole se cayó por ese agujero ES. ES. AM it went right through the wall atravesó la pared de lado a lado ES. ES. AM the current flows through the circuit la corriente fluye a través del circuito ES. ES. AM to hear/feel something through something oír/sentir algo a través de algo ES. ES. AM she peered through the keyhole miró por el agujero de la cerradura ES. ES. AM he was shot through the head le pegaron un balazo en la cabeza ES. ES. AM he was unable to breathe through his nose no podía respirar por la nariz ES. ES. AM the truck crashed through the barrier el camión se llevó la barrera por delante ES. ES. AM they struggled on through the crowd siguieron abriéndose paso entre la multitud ES. ES. AM he spoke through clenched teeth habló entre dientes ES. ES. AM the chair flew through the air la silla voló por los aires ES. ES. AM he strolled through the town center paseó por el centro de la ciudad ES. ES. AM we drove through Munich atravesamos Munich ES. ES. AM (en coche) we sailed through the Suez Canal pasamos por el Canal de Suez ES. ES. AM (en barco) we searched through her belongings registramos sus pertenencias ES. ES. AM she glanced through the magazine hojeó la revista ES. ES. AM I worked my way through the textbook me leí el texto de punta a punta
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