• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sosaambrosioleonardo
  • hace 5 años

Adobe Scan 03 sep 2020 (2).pdf Archivo Ver Look at the family tree and complete the activity with the words in the box Then listen and check your answers. pay aunr Kelly Wes husband grandparents mother cousin sister wife daughter aunt uospueb 1. 2 Read brother A.Listen and read, What is Amber's big news? pay grandfather Rob So, Amber. Long time no see! What are yo han doing here? aun grandmother UOSIV granddaughter Amber I'm shopping with my cousin. She's looking for a dress right now. She's in that store (grandchildren) over there. 3. Do you have the day off? Rob Amber The week off and I'm spending a lot of time father Angie shopping. UOS UOSIIV mother Are you looking for anything in particular? (parents) (children/kids) Amber Actually l am. I'm looking for white shoes There's a nice pair of pink shoes in that fan store on West End Avenue. wes uncle nephew Amber No.I need white. Guess what! I'm getting Kelly niece married! Oh that's wonderful news. Congratulations When's the big day? Lee Amber In two months. We're having the wedding in 5. cousin UOSIV Ujsno So, who's coming? Amber Well, all my family, including my aunt and uncle from Australia. My friends from work are coming, and you're coming, right? June Kelly in-law daughterin-law Of course! fiang Amber And you can bring your brother. too. The Kelly 7. more, the merrier! 7171 wes En que tiempo esta y su forma

me pueden ayudar porfavor​


Respuesta dada por: albintercis
no me acuerdo que iba sino te decía

sosaambrosioleonardo: Exelente servicio :")
Respuesta dada por: e1178579


k peo :9 nmms,te juro que sabía pero se me olvidó :9

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