A valley is a plain between mountains or heights, a depression in the earth's surface between two slopes, with an inclined and elongated shape, which forms a hydrographic basin at the bottom of which is a river course.
A field or agricultural field, in agriculture refers to a plot of land without building, outside the urban area, lends itself to agricultural cultural use, such as: Crops. Cattle grazing.
valles: A valley (from the Latin vallis) is a plain between mountains or heights, a depression of the earth's surface between two slopes, with an inclined and elongated shape, which forms a hydrographic basin at the bottom of which is a river course. ... Those blind valleys are typical of karst lands.
The word field refers to a large piece of land that is far from a city or town or to the land that can be worked. The concept is also used in reference to a crop or field.
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