• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: villavicenciokevinal
  • hace 5 años

Irene and her family

My name is Irene. i'm 20 years old . I am a student., ____ brother is a student too. _____ name is Jesus. he is _____ favorite brother (1).______ name is jorge (he).______ mother is 48 years old (l)._____ name is Lucy (she). we have a Josué.____ house is small (we). we also have a dog. ____ name is spot (It). I have three brothers and two sisters. we have a big family.____ is big and happy (I)!​


Respuesta dada por: sayuriaguilar5521

My name is Irene. I am 20 years . I am a student. My brother is also a student, his name is Jesus. He is my favorite brother, his name is Jorge. My mother is 48 years old. Her name is Lucy (she). we have a Joshua house. is small. We also have a dog. Its name is spot (It). I have three brothers and two sisters. We have a big family. It is very big and happy!

Respuesta dada por: gonzalezdiaznaomi75



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