• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mambouriel
  • hace 9 años

20 oraciones con already


Respuesta dada por: alexamzp14
Te voy a dar 5!!
He already start reading the book.

She already gave me my pencil.

They already bought food for dinner.

The cat already take its nap of the day.

I already did my homeworks.

Espero que te sirvan!!
Respuesta dada por: viklop19
i yo 15

She has already called. (Ella ya ha llamado)
She has already found a new job. (Ella ya ha encontrado un nuevo trabajo)
I have already signed the contract. (Yo ya he firmado el contrato)
Has the plane already left the airport? (¿El avión ya salió del aeropuerto?)
Have the police already found him? (¿La policía ya lo encontró?)
I have already mailed the letter. (Ya he enviado la carta)
He has already paid the bill. (Él ya ha pagado la factura)
She has already bought a new house. (Ella ya ha comprado una nueva casa)
I have already been in France two times. (Ya he estado en Francia dos veces)
The mail has already arrived. (El correo ya ha llegado)
The class has already begun. (La clase ya ha comenzado)
She is here already. (Ella ya está aquí)
He was already well on his way to achieving it. (Él ya estaba en camino de lograrlo
)He was already famous at that stage. (Él ya era famoso en esta etapa)
The answer is already known. (La respuesta ya se conoce)

viklop19: porfa marcala colmo la mejor
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