1. Countable or uncountable?
Tick the right column.
1. water c____? u_____?
2. flowers c____? u_____?
3. flour c____? u_____?
4. day c____? U_____?
5. snow c____? U_____?
6. milk c____? u_____?
7. newspaper c____? u_____?
8. hen c____? u_____?
9. work c____? u_____?
10. lemon c____? u_____?
11. melon c____? u_____?
12. air c____? u_____?
13. girl c____? u_____?
14. people c____? u_____?
15. bird c____? u_____?
16. car c____? u_____?
17. paper c____? u_____?
18. teacher c____? u_____?
19. student c____? u_____?
20. oil c____? u_____?
21. sugar c____? u_____?
22. salt c____? u_____?
23. tomato c____? u_____?
24. dog c____? u_____?
25. worm c____? u_____?
26. light c____? u_____?
27. book c____? u_____?
28. room c____? u_____?
29. picture c____? u_____?
30. meat c____? u_____?
31. year c____? u_____?
32. tea c____? u_____?
33. coffee c____? u_____?
34. a cup of tea c____? u_____?
35. a lump of sugar c____? u___?
36. a glass of milk c____? u_____?
37. a piece of paper c____?
1. u
2. c
3. u
4. c
5. u
6. u
7. c
8. c
9. u
10. c
11. c
12. u
13. c
14. c
15. c
16. c
17. c
18. c
19. c
20. u
21. u
22. u
23. c
24. c
25. c
26. c
27. c
28. c
29. c
30. u
31. c
32. u
33. c también puede ser uncountable dependiendo del contexto
34. c
35. c
36. c
37. c
Del punto 34 al 37 depende si se cambia la contabilidad del contexto, ya que en todos lleva "a" (un o una): a (one) cup of tea (una taza de té), ó, two cups of tea (dos tazas de té) por lo tanto se vuelve contable, así mismo con los demás
a piece of paper c____? u___? work c____? u____?
flowers c____? u____? lemon c____? u____?
a rasher of bacon c____? u____? melon c____? u____?
a packet of tea c____? u____? air c____? u____?
a kilo of meat c____? u_____? girl c____? u____?
milk c____? u_____? people c____? u____?
newspaper c____? u_____? bird c____? u____?
hen c____? u_____? car c____? u____?
coffee c____? u_____? water c____? u____?
a cup of tea c____? u_____? flour c____? u____?
a lump of sugar c____? u___? a jar of jam c____? u____?
a glass of milk c____? u_____? day c____? u____?
paper c____?u____? worm c____? u____?
teacher c____? u____? light c___? u____?
student c____? u____? book c____? u____?
oil c____? u____? room c____? u____?
sugar c____? u____? picture c____? u____?
salt c____? u_____? meat c____? u____?
tomato c___? u___? year c____? u____?
dog c___? u___? tea c____? u____?
yoghurt c___? u___? a tube of toothpaste c___? u____?
bread c___? u___? a bar of chocolate c____? u____?
chalk c____? u