• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: cancanieves
  • hace 9 años

ola buenas tardes me pidieron buskar un diálogo en ingles que tenga todos los tiempos verbales presente futuro pasado etc. como will, have, ready, tey, dince, for..... etc cfavor que me ayuden es un dialogo mui dificil buskar


Respuesta dada por: rubioalvaro
(J=Juan,M=Maria, D=Daniel, A:Alberto, D=Director)
J: Hello Mary 
M:Hello John 
J: What happened to you yesterday, why you didn´t come to class 
M: I didn´t feel good, I had a headache 
J: I am really sorry, but how do you feel now. 
M: Much better, thank you. 
D: Hey guys, the class is about to begin, why are you still here? 
J: I was asking mary what happened to her, why aren´t you in the classroom Daniel? 
D: Because I had a delivery to the principal from professor Albert, and right now i am going to the classroom 
D: by the way, have you done the homework 
J: Yes 
M: ohhh no, i didn´t know we have one 
J: Just tell the profesor what happened to you, and he will understand. 
M: You´re right 
D: there´s the profesor, you better talk to him now before he get into the classroom 
M: Good morning profesor 
A: Good morning María, why u didn´t come to school yesterday.? 
M: I am really sorry profesor, but I haven´t felt good 
A: It´s allright 
M: Professor i wanted to tell you that I haven´t done my homework, because i din´t know that we had one 
A: Don´t worry you can show it to me tomorrow. 
M: Thank you profesor 
A: Your welcome Mary 
P: It´s announce to all teachers and students that it will be a meeting at 9:00 o cloc´k Sharp in the Gym to talk about the 15th anniversary of our prestigious school, Thank you.

cancanieves: muchisimas gracias ☺ es dificil buskarlo en libro e internet igual muchas gracias
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