• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: santigonzalezprasca
  • hace 6 años

cual es el tag question de les't play dominoes


Respuesta dada por: milibelengarcia2



Cut the cards as indicated.

Divide them equally among the students in the group.

Any student can start by placing any of their cards face up.

Students try to complete the two sentences on the first card.

They must proceed with one card at a time *.

Show on the WB if possible.

* Note: They should not have all the cards face up on the table at the beginning of the game, as this is much more difficult to do and not all students will focus on each game.


milibelengarcia2: me das coronaaaaaaa
santigonzalezprasca: no me sirve:v
santigonzalezprasca: pero igual te la do
milibelengarcia2: ten
milibelengarcia2: tanks*
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