Respuesta: lo que puedo hacer:
I can eat I can sleep I can play I can study I can dance
lo que no puedo hacer: I can't go to space I can't eat a dog I can't fly I can't read minds I can't eat the teacher
You can do
- Give an extra in what you already do every day
- Help people without expecting anything in return
- Respect and live with different people and their different ways of being and thinking.
- Being healthy, eating healthy and exercising is great motivation
- Enjoy the little moments of life
You can't do
- Breaking the laws of convenience and society.
- Laughing at people when they have a bad time
- Giving bad advice on purpose to see people suffer
- Annoy people with your stuff, like smoking around people who hate smoking.
- Drive when you get drunk
Según lo que entendí de tu pregunta es hacer 5 oraciones de lo que puedes hacer y de lo que no puedes hacer en la sociedad o en el lugar donde vives.
Si te fue de ayuda me puedes encontrar en redes sociales @BobbyJaymesK