• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: nataliaardila73731
  • hace 6 años

Read and write much or many
1 how_______milk is there?
There are six apples
2how_______eggs are there?
There's a little milk
3how________sugar is there?
There's a lor of sugar
4how________salt is there?
There isn't much salt
5how________buscuits are there?
There are seven biscuits


Respuesta dada por: abigaildelosangelesl


te lo traduci no se que tenes que haser


Leer y escribir mucho o muchos

1 ¿cuánta _______ leche hay?

Hay seis manzanas

2cómo_______huevos hay?

Hay un poco de leche

3¿Cómo________ hay azúcar?

Hay un lor de azucar

4cómo________sal hay?

No hay mucha sal

5cómo________búhos hay?

Hay siete galletas

Respuesta dada por: Quetzaly2008


1.- how much milk is there?

2.- how many eggs are there?

3.-how much sugar is there?

4.-how much salt is there?

5.-how many buscuits are there?

Espero haberte ayudado °u°

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