Is father listening to the radio? – No, he isn´t
Is the man running? – Yes, he is
Is the lady walking? – No, she isn’t
Is Jane smiling? – Yes, she is
Is she wearing a hat? – Yes, she is
Is she giving a present? – Yes, she is
Is Annie studying? – No, she isn’t
Are these women cooking? – Yes, they are
Is the girl riding a bike? – Yes, she is
Are these children dancing? – Yes, they are
Are they singing? – Yes, they are
Is he eating? – Yes, he is
Is Lucy washing her clothes? – Yes, she is
Is he riding a horse? Yes, he is
Los pronombres he, she e it, trabajan con "is" y su forma negativa "isn't".
En cambio los plurales que son (you), we y they, trabajan con "are" y su forma negativa "aren't".
Son preguntas directas en las que se responden bien con un sí o un no. ¡Espero haberte ayudado!