• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dulcemariamelendez59
  • hace 6 años

13 Practice
Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo entre parentesis.
Example: If I had (have) enough money. I would buy (buy) a big house.
1. If Peter
(have) more money, he
(buy) a new car
2. What
(you do) if you
(see) an accident?
3. Where
(you live) if you
(have) a choice?
4. If Caroline
(arrive) late for work, her boss
(be) angry
5. If his parents
(come). Sam
(bring) them to the theatre.
6. Where
(you go) if you
(can take) a week's holiday?
7. If Julie
(speak) better English, she
(find) a better job.
8. If Paul's boss
invite) him to lunch, he
9. If !
flose) my wallet, 1
(report) it to the police
10. What
(happen) if you
(miss) your flight?​


Respuesta dada por: zayamegachikita


Alguien me ayuda no se como responder

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