• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kerenkrn98
  • hace 9 años

cuento en ingles (inventado) no puedo ser de cenicienta ni nada de ese estilo


Respuesta dada por: brendamylove1
A girl named Rosa was on their summer vacation. She insisted her parents to let her go to the camp of his life. The camp taught singing, acting, drawing and playing instruments. A Rosa loved learning new things. To his classmates his nickname was "nerd".Rosa towards anything so that at least you digest "We'll see."One day in December the parents named. He lowered excited to hear the news. "You're going to the camp, but not exactly you wanted to go. It is ... more or less similar. "With a face tantrum that occupied half head, Rosa turned and went upstairs again.The next morning the mother woke up at 7:50 in the morning. He had a bag in his hand and navy and the clothes had to be put to go to camp. "Even now I have to go to camp? It is not too early? "He said sleeping face.When the bus came to pick, I touch the seat next to a blond boy with lights and gray eyes. He seemed very nice. To cover or look at him.Halfway through the journey to the camp, the boy next to him asked him his name. "Rosa, my name is Rosa. It's good to talk to you. "He said without looking up.So polite as usual did not lose its seriousness. "His name is that?" He asked. "Ramiro" the boy's name was Ramiro beside.When they reached the camp, they left the micro and assigned them to their cabins for the night. A Rosa touched his No. 10, which his companions were, Micaela, a completely unknown girl for her, Ramiro, Paco, his neighbor, and Carolina.At night, Rosa decided to take a walk into the woods. Where if you had stepped on a floor where once was the home of Old Elbe would die devoured by the hounds were his pets. As Rosa did not know that legend continued its course.Their cabin mates woke because Rosa alarm clock and realized she was not. They came to get her. They searched everywhere in the bathrooms herds of other dining and meeting facilities. No one came to search the woods until Micaela said; "They think they've gone to the forest ?? It's tempting. A new person in this camp resists never go there. "All Rosa searched through the woods.Carolina scream so loud that woke teachers. "AAAAH !!! I met Rosa !!! It's awful fast !!! "All partners were guided to where the screams came. Yes, it was Rosa. But he was not whole. They are missing both arms and legs. It was all torn apart. Beneath it was a white floor that ended up being red with his blood.The boys woke teachers shakes and cries of despair. They reported what they had seen. They came to call her parents and tell them calmly. They cried for 3 days. They decided never to take their children to the camp. At least he had left. Now that legend happened to be something true. Unless Rosa has stumbled onto something very sharp, but it was doubtful.It is said that became the legend Rosa Vieja. And no one dares not set foot in the forest floors.END

dannita2624: queeee copia XD
Respuesta dada por: dannita2624
Once upon a time a boy named Frank that lived in a city where there were many myths, one of them is "The substitute", this was a legend where the children were substituted by the world beyond. But Frank thought that he was one of the subtitutes. 
Years later, his best friend disappeared and took many years of research and he knew that he was the only one to help her because he was of the world beyond.
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