• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: icrmjaramillonatalia
  • hace 6 años

3. Complete con el pasado progresivo.
a) She ___________hockey. (to play)
b) They ___________ in the pool. (to swim)
c) It ____________. (to rain)
d) We ___________ to music. (to listen)
e) The mobile ________________- (to ring)
f) The students ___________. (to text)
g) Max _______ with two girls. (to dance)
h) I ___________ in front of the shop. (to wait)
i) The cat ______ in the basket. (to sleep)
j) He _________ Gerry's bike. (to repair)
pofis ayuda,urgente,doy coronita


Respuesta dada por: sofyrestre90


a. Was playing

b. were swimming

c. was raining

d. were listening

e. was ringing

f. were texting

g. Was dancing

h. was waiting

i. was sleeping

j. Was repairing


Se ingles uwu

icrmjaramillonatalia: muchas gracias :)
nataliayomayusa123: Gacias thank you
Respuesta dada por: DavidBrown


a) She played hockey.

b) They  swam in the pool.

c) It rained .

d) We listened to music.

e) The mobile rang.

f) The students texted.

g) Max danced  with two girls.

h) I waited in front of the shop.

i) The cat slept in the basket.

j) He repaired Gerry's bike.

icrmjaramillonatalia: muchas gracias :)
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