use the words below to write senteces and questionsthat make guesses about the past
usar las palabras siguientes para escribir oraciones y preguntas que hagan conjeturas sobre el pasado
Could/she/come/on the earlier bus?
Jackie/might/miss/the train
They /should/get home/by now
Might /the chilldren/ stay/ late at shool ?
I /must /leave the keys /in my coat pocket
Carol/ might nota/ receive /your email
porfa ayúdenme
Respuesta dada por:
she Could come on the earlier bus?
Jackie might miss the train
They should get by home now
Might the children stay late at school?
I must leave the keys in my coat pocket
Carol might not receive your email
Espero haberte ayudado SUERTE
si me ayudó mucho muchas gracias
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