• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: HaroldR
  • hace 6 años

Semana 2
Recognize the structure relate to frequency adverbs
Ubique correctamente el adverbio de frecuencia
1. They go to the movies. (often)
2. She listens to classical music. (rarely)
3. He reads the local newspaper. (sometimes)
4. Sara smiles. (never)
5. She complains about her husband. (always)
6. I drink coffee. (sometimes)
7. Frank is ill. (often)
8. He feels terrible (usually)
9. I go jogging in the morning. (always)
10. She helps her daughter with her homework. (never)​


Respuesta dada por: raymonayala076


No ablo inglés y no estudio ingles

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