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La República de la India mantiene un diálogo con las instituciones supranacionales de la Unión Europea; de una forma distinta al del resto de las relaciones bilaterales con los Estados miembros soberanos de la Unión Europea .
Mapa administrativo de la Unión Europea y la zona europea
En Asia, la percepción pública positiva de Europa es más alta en la India.1 En esta última, existe la democracia más poblada del mundo, tiene alianzas estratégicas fuertes y eficaces con Francia, el Reino Unido y Alemania.2
Las áreas más importantes de la cooperación programada, India-EU-28, están en los dominios de la educación, los intercambios culturales, la común investigación en ciencias y tecnologías, y la aplicación de la ley.
India and the European Commission for Citizen Aid and the Department of Civil Protection (ECHO) maintain a dialogue for the delivery of humanitarian aid supplies and assistance, in case of natural disasters such as floods, cyclones and earthquakes, or man-made crises. ECHO has a long history of assisting as a consumables donor and financing, project planning and coordination, as well as field deployment of special skill sets in South Asia.
Erasmus Mundus Action 2, a project of the European Commission, has organized a partnership between the prominent universities in Europe and India. The Jean Monnet Chair, Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, was created to help increase the visibility of the European Union in India.
The inauguration of the EURAXESS science coup in India, was organized in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune, on September 29, 2013. The second edition was in association with the Tata Research Institute Fundamental (TIFR) on November 1, 2014 in Mumbai. The third edition was held on October 30, 2015 at the Alliance Française in Bangalore.
The Asia Urbs program, an initiative of the European Commission, has actively assisted INTACH in heritage conservation activities throughout India, including at Gingee Fort and Pondicherry.3
The French School of the Far East in Pondicherry, which specializes in Indological research, has documented the archaeological heritage of South India with co-funding from the European Union.
At the French Institute in Pondicherry, the taxonomic identification system - assisted by one of the computers for the mangrove species of southeastern India and Sri Lanka - was analyzed and reviewed by ASI @ IT & C, a program of the European Commission.
The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is helping to scale up ESA's Galileo satellite navigation system, and GPS service in Northern Europe, by exchanging data from the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System ( IRNSS). ISRO Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle has launched miniaturized satellites from various European universities, and opened the charging capacity