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Rosa Louise McCauley:
Nació en Tuskegee, Alabama el 4 de febrero de 1913. fue una figura importante del movimiento por los derechos civiles en Estados Unidos, en especial por haberse negado a ceder el asiento a un blanco y moverse a la parte trasera del autobús en el sur de Estados Unidos, el 1 de diciembre de 1955. Por tal acción acabó en la cárcel, lo que se cita frecuentemente como la chispa del movimiento, y se la reconoce como «la primera dama de los derechos civiles.
El 1 de diciembre de 1955, en Montgomery, Parks se negó a obedecer al chofer de un autobús público, el cual quería obligarla a ceder su asiento a una persona de raza blanca. Fue encarcelada por su conducta, acusada de haber perturbado el orden.
En respuesta al encarcelamiento de Rosa, Martin Luther King, un pastor bautista relativamente desconocido en ese tiempo, condujo la protesta a los autobuses públicos de Montgomery, en los que colaboró también la activista y amiga de la infancia de Rosa Parks Johnnie Carr y que simplemente convocaba a la población afroamericana a organizarse para transportarse por sus propios medios y no tomar los autobuses. Como los autobuses terminaron recibiendo pocos, o ningún pasajero, comenzaron a dar déficit, por lo que se hizo necesario que la autoridad del transporte público terminara la práctica de segregación racial en los autobuses. Este suceso inició más protestas contra otras prácticas de segregación.
Mientras tanto, en 1956, la lucha judicial contra la ley segregacionista de Montgomery y Alabama llegó finalmente a la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos, que declaró inconstitucional la segregación en el transporte.
En 1979, la NAACP otorgó a Parks su reconocimiento más alto, la medalla Spingarn y al año siguiente recibió el Premio Martin Luther King Jr.
Rosa Parks fue incluida en el Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame en 1983 por sus logros en el progreso de los derechos civiles.
Después de una vida de batallar contra el racismo, Parks recibió la Medalla de Oro del Congreso de los Estados Unidos en 1999. El Rosa Parks Library and Museum (Museo y Biblioteca de Rosa Parks) fue bautizado en su honor en noviembre de 2000.
Rosa Parks murió a la edad de 92 años el 24 de octubre de 2005 en la casa de retiro en la que pasó sus últimos años. En 2004 le fue diagnosticada la enfermedad de Alzheimer.
El 30 de octubre de 2005, los restos de Parks fueron honrados en la Rotonda del Capitolio, convirtiéndose en la primera mujer y la segunda persona afroamericana en recibir este honor.
El 24 de octubre de 2005 Rosa Parks murió de un infarto de miocardio
Respuesta dada por:
Rosa Louise McCauley was born in Tuskegee, Alabama on February the 9
4, 1913. He was an important figure of the movement for civil rights in the United States, especially for refusing to give up her seat to a white and move to the back of the bus in southern United States, December 1, 1955. for this action ended up in jail, which is frequently cited as the spark of the movement, and is recognized as "the first lady of civil rights.The December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Parks refused to obey a public bus driver, who wanted to force her to give up her seat to a white person. She was imprisoned for his conduct, accused of having disturbed the order.In response to the imprisonment of Rosa, Martin Luther King, a relatively unknown Baptist minister at the time, he led the protest public buses in Montgomery, which also collaborated the activist and childhood friend of Rosa Parks Johnnie Carr and simply African Americans summoned to organize themselves to be transported by their own means and not take the bus. As the buses ended up with few or no passengers, they began to show deficits, so it became necessary for the public transport authority to end the practice of racial segregation on buses. This event initiated more protests against other practices segregación.Mientras Thus, in 1956, judicial fight against segregation laws Montgomery Alabama and finally reached the Supreme Court of the United States, which declared segregation unconstitutional in 1979 transporte.En the NAACP Parks awarded its highest recognition, Spingarn medal and the following year received the Martin Luther King Award Jr.Rosa Parks was inducted into the Michigan Women's Hall of Fame in 1983 for his achievements in the advancement of civil rights. after a lifetime of struggle against racism, Parks received the Gold Medal of the United States Congress in 1999. the Rosa Parks Library and Museum (Museum and Rosa Parks Library) was named in his honor in November 2000. Rosa Parks died at the age of 92 on October 24, 2005 in the retirement home where he spent his last years. In 2004 he was diagnosed with the disease Alzheimer.El October 30, 2005, the remains of Parks were honored in the Capitol Rotunda, becoming the first woman and the second African American person to receive this honor.The October 24, 2005 Rosa Parks died of a heart attack
4, 1913. He was an important figure of the movement for civil rights in the United States, especially for refusing to give up her seat to a white and move to the back of the bus in southern United States, December 1, 1955. for this action ended up in jail, which is frequently cited as the spark of the movement, and is recognized as "the first lady of civil rights.The December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Parks refused to obey a public bus driver, who wanted to force her to give up her seat to a white person. She was imprisoned for his conduct, accused of having disturbed the order.In response to the imprisonment of Rosa, Martin Luther King, a relatively unknown Baptist minister at the time, he led the protest public buses in Montgomery, which also collaborated the activist and childhood friend of Rosa Parks Johnnie Carr and simply African Americans summoned to organize themselves to be transported by their own means and not take the bus. As the buses ended up with few or no passengers, they began to show deficits, so it became necessary for the public transport authority to end the practice of racial segregation on buses. This event initiated more protests against other practices segregación.Mientras Thus, in 1956, judicial fight against segregation laws Montgomery Alabama and finally reached the Supreme Court of the United States, which declared segregation unconstitutional in 1979 transporte.En the NAACP Parks awarded its highest recognition, Spingarn medal and the following year received the Martin Luther King Award Jr.Rosa Parks was inducted into the Michigan Women's Hall of Fame in 1983 for his achievements in the advancement of civil rights. after a lifetime of struggle against racism, Parks received the Gold Medal of the United States Congress in 1999. the Rosa Parks Library and Museum (Museum and Rosa Parks Library) was named in his honor in November 2000. Rosa Parks died at the age of 92 on October 24, 2005 in the retirement home where he spent his last years. In 2004 he was diagnosed with the disease Alzheimer.El October 30, 2005, the remains of Parks were honored in the Capitol Rotunda, becoming the first woman and the second African American person to receive this honor.The October 24, 2005 Rosa Parks died of a heart attack
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