* 3 affirmative sentences in SIMPLE PRESENT (at least 2 sentences in third person)
* 3 affirmative sentences in SIMPLE PRESENT with the verb BE (am, is, are)
* 3 affirmative sentences in SIMPLE PAST with REGULAR VERBS
* 3 affirmative sentences in SIMPLE PAST with IRREGULAR VERBS with the verb BE
* 3 affirmative sentences in SIMPLE PAST (was, were)
porfa es para mañana:(
1a. We are in the park
2b. She likes pizza
3c. It's eight o'clock
2a. We are tired
3b. I am in the hospital
4c. You are very crazy
3a. I played in the park
4b. She watched TV yesterday
5c. They traveled to the United States
4a. She did my homework
5b. You ate my food
6c. They bought food for lunch
5a. She was a famous singer
6b. They were at my party yesterday
7c. I was in the park
1) se refiere a oraciones en el presente simple... Ya sea con verbos comunes o el verbo to be ( ser o estar
2) se refiere a oraciones con el verbo to be... Empleando el am-are-is
3)se refiere a oraciones en el pasado simple con verbos regulares... Estos verbos se los conocen por la terminación de ED al final
Ejemplo: laugh... Laughed. Love... Loved. Discover... Discovered... Etc.
4) se refiere a crear a oraciones con el pasado simple... Pero empleando o haciendo uso de los verbos irregulares de este tiempo.
Ejemplo: cut/cut... Speak/spoke.... Buy/bought... Etc
5) se refiere a crear oraciones con el verbo to be en su forma pasada(was y were)... (fue, era, estaba, estaban, eran, fueron).
Espero te sirva... Bye:)
You're welcome.