• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: amandacardenasriano
  • hace 6 años

10 oraciones en ingles utilizando el "there are" forma positiva plural


Respuesta dada por: Bella9732


There is a fly on the window / Hay una mosca en la ventana

There are some flies on the window / Hay algunas moscas en la ventana


Bella9732: XD
Respuesta dada por: kimberlygonzalezrosa


There are about a 20 apples in my fridge and I ate one.

There are 200 dollars in my bank account and I will give them to the people who need help.

There are 7 chocolate bars you can go eat on.

There are a lot of people here who should wear a mask.

There are a lot of students taking online classes

There are a million or more people that actually follow the rules in this world.

There are a million explanations on why the world is contaminated.

There are a billion humans in the world but I only love you.

There are a thousand reasons why I shouldn't be with you but I am.

There are a lot of people who doesn't want us together but I love you.

There are a lot of people here so we need to keep it 6 feet apart.

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