EXERCISE 3. Who does each activity? Choose the correct name from the orange box and then choose where they do where they do the activity from the blue box.Follow the
Who does each activity?
1. Cooks lunch every afternoon?
▶name : Muna's mom
▶where? : kitchen
2. Dances every night?
▶name : Muna's sister
▶where? : bedroom
3. Does homework in the evening?
▶name : Muna
▶where? :bedroom
4. Takes a shower every morning?
▶name : Muna
▶where? : bathroom.
Esto solo es un ejemplo, debes responder de acuerdo a un texto o algo parecido donde debes elegir quien hace cada actividad y en donde......
¡¡¡⭐ęşpęŗo podęŗ ђābęŗţę āyųdādo çoŋ mį ŗęşpųęşţā ✔✔dālę gŗāçįāş❤, çālįƒįçāmę✨y şįgųęmę şį qųįęŗęş obţęŋęŗ máş ŗęşpųęşţāş çoŗŗęçţāş ✅✅çomo ęşţā, gŗāçįāş... ➡♣♣ ђāşţā pŗoŋţo (^_-)⭐!!!
1. Cooks lunch every afternoon?
▶name : Muna's mom
▶where? : kitchen
2. Dances every night?
▶name : Muna's sister
▶where? : bedroom
3. Does homework in the evening?
▶name : Muna
▶where? :bedroom
4. Takes a shower every morning?
▶name : Muna
▶where? : bathroom.