• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: carlosanchaluisa1
  • hace 6 años

Ayuda por favor :c
Fill in the next sentences in simple past tense using affirmative form

I like apples (simple present)
I_______ apples (simple past)

They ask many questions (simple present)
They______ many questions (simple past)

We open the windows (simple present)
We _____ the windows (simple past)

She talks to David (simple present)
She______ to David (simple past)


Respuesta dada por: nanoelizondo10


Fill in the next sentences in simple past tense using affirmative form

I like apples (simple present)

I____liked___ apples (simple past)

They ask many questions (simple present)

They__asked____ many questions (simple past)

We open the windows (simple present)

We __opened___ the windows (simple past)

She talks to David (simple present)

She___talked___ to David (simple past)

Respuesta dada por: gnmpuu3xwk


1.- Liked

2.- Asked

3.- Opened


Solo tienes que Cambiar el verbo de presente a pasado, en este caso todos los verbos eran regulares es decir se les agrega un -ed- al final

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