• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anadazaa0128
  • hace 6 años

hola me pueden ayudar por favor necesito ayuda sin trampa por fa doy corona a la mejorrrr respuesta



Respuesta dada por: isamartinezzc


1.where do you live?

2.what do you like about your neighborhood?

3. what is your favorite place in your neighborhood?

4.what other places do you like?

Respuesta dada por: AaronRodrG


a. Where do you live? I live in downtown, Armenia

b. What do you like about your neighborhood? I like my street. There are a lot of shops

c. What's your favorite place in your neighborhood? My favorite place in my neighborhood is the square where the San Francisco church is. There's also a park where I take my dog.

d. What other places do you like? Another place I like is the Coffee from the Merced. I always go there with my friends for coffee!

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